On August 24, 2022, 650+ groups sent the following letter to Democratic Leadership
August 24, 2022
The Honorable Chuck Schumer Senate Majority Leader Room S-221, The Capitol Washington, D.C. 20510 | The Honorable Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House of Representatives Room H-232, United States Capitol Washington, D.C. 20515 |
Cc: Members of Congress
Re: Opposition to Fossil Fuel Project Approvals and Permitting Reforms Conditioned on the Inflation Reduction Act
Dear Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Schumer,
On behalf of 653 frontline communities and environmental and other organizations representing millions of members and supporters nationwide, we are writing to express our strenuous opposition to any additional fossil fuel giveaways. Alarming proposals have been referenced by Senator Manchin, in a short memo, and in legislative language that was clearly drafted in consultation with the American Petroleum Institute (API). It has been reported that Manchin has demanded these handouts to the fossil fuel industry as a further price for his vote on the Inflation Reduction Act, which already included large giveaways to polluters.
We call on you to unequivocally reject any effort to promote fossil fuels, advance unproven technologies, and weaken our core environmental laws. You must stand with the communities who continue to bear the brunt of harm from fossil fuels and act to prevent wholesale climate disaster.
This fossil fuel wish list is a cruel and direct attack on environmental justice communities and the climate. This legislation would truncate and hollow-out the environmental review process, weaken Tribal consultations, and make it far harder for frontline communities to have their voices heard by gutting bedrock protections in the National Environmental Policy Act and Clean Water Act.
In a further affront to frontline communities and climate science’s mandate to end all fossil fuel expansion, this legislative proposal would promote and prioritize dozens of fossil fuel projects including the incomplete fracked-gas Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP), and dictate where future court cases to protect communities and the environment can be filed. Building this unnecessary pipeline could violate Indigenous sovereignty, property rights, threaten endangered species, devastate sensitive Appalachian ecosystems, further degrade hundreds of critical waterways, and disproportionately harm low-wealth communities and communities of color. The MVP is using eminent domain for their private gain leaving landowners with all the risk. The MVP could be responsible for an additional 89 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually, the equivalent of 26 coal plants. New fossil fuel infrastructure projects, including MVP, are flatly incompatible with limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. In the words of United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres, “Investing in new fossil fuels infrastructure is moral and economic madness.”
Prolonging the fossil fuel era perpetuates environmental racism, is wildly out of step with climate science, and hamstrings our nation’s ability to avert a climate disaster. Supporting this legislation would represent a profound betrayal of frontline communities and constituents across the country who have called on you to prevent the multitude of harms of fossil fuels and advance a just, renewable energy future.
For example, the permit review process for the proposed Formosa Plastics Complex in St. James Parish, Louisiana has been critical in protecting the surrounding community, which is about 90-percent Black. If developed, it would produce 800 tons of toxic air pollutants annually, doubling air emissions in the already overburdened community in Cancer Alley. The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights called the project “environmental racism” in March and urged U.S. officials to reject the project. Reports of the proposed legislative changes to NEPA and the priority permitting list would perpetuate this environmental racism.
Bold Congressional action to address the existential threat of climate chaos requires limiting the production of oil, gas, and coal, which are responsible for 85% of greenhouse emissions and are the root driver of the climate crisis. Relying only on large scale investments in renewable energy and environmental justice alone will not stave off climate disaster if Congress simultaneously puts its legislative foot on the gas to expand fossil fuel production and false solutions like carbon capture, hydrogen, biomass, biofuels, factory farm gas, and nuclear power. Existing fossil fuel facilities already push us past climate targets; any new fossil fuel projects would be incompatible with avoiding irreversible climatic devastation.
Moreover, tethering this legislation to any must-pass legislation including a Continuing Resolution to fund the federal government is morally abhorrent. Holding the funding of the entire federal government hostage to satiate one Senator with a heavy financial self-interest in fossil fuels is beyond irresponsible. Sacrificing the health and prosperity of communities in Appalachia, the Gulf Coast, Alaska, the Midwest, the Southwest, and other frontline communities around the country makes this side-deal profoundly disgraceful.
Truncating environmental reviews does not benefit renewable energy. All this legislation will do is weaken environmental protections that are needed to protect communities, wildlife, and our public lands and waters from the devastation of toxic fossil fuel projects. After all, solar panels do not cause oil spills and wind farms do not contaminate our air and water.
We strongly urge you to reject this fossil fuel handout and side-deal with one single Senator. Our communities and our collective future require the political courage to stop the fossil fuel stranglehold once and for all.
- ActionAid USA
- Active San Gabriel Valley
- Alabama Interfaith Power & Light
- Alianza Americas
- All Our Energy
- Alliance for a Green Economy
- Alliance for Affordable Energy
- Alliance for Just Money
- Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments
- American Federation of Government Employees Local 704
- American Friends Service Committee
- American Sustainable Business Council
- Animals Are Sentient Beings
- Animas Valley Institute
- Anthropocene Alliance
- Appalachian Institute for Renewable Energy
- Aquamarine Studio
- Arizona Interfaith Power & Light
- ARTivism Virginia
- Association of Young Americans
- Athens County Future Action Network
- Azul
- Ban Single Use Plastic
- Battle Creek Alliance & Defiance Canyon Raptor Rescue
- Bay Area Jewish Earth Alliance
- Bay Area System Change Not Climate Change
- Bay Area Women in Black
- Be the Change Colorado
- Beaver County Marcellus Awareness Community
- Bend the Arc
- Bergen County Green Party
- Berks Gas Truth
- Berkshire Environmental Action Team
- Better Path Coalition
- Between the Waters
- Beyond Extreme Energy
- Bike4Peace
- Biofuelwatch
- Black Warrior Riverkeeper
- Blacks in Green
- Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League
- Blue Water Baltimore
- Bold Alliance
- Bold ReThink
- Bronx Climate Justice North
- Bronx Jews for Climate Action
- Businesses for a Livable Climate
- California Communities Against Toxics
- California Environmental Justice Alliance
- Call to Action Colorado
- Camp White Pine Pennsylvania
- Cape Downwinders
- Care About Climate
- Carolina Jews for Justice
- Carrizo Comecrudo Tribe of Texas
- Catalyst Miami
- CatholicNetwork US
- Catskill Mountainkeeper
- Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Environmental Justice Ministry
- Center for Biological Diversity
- Center for Climate Integrity
- Center for Environmentally Recycled Building Alternatives
- Center for International Environmental Law
- Center for Popular Democracy
- Central Bergen Circle of GreenFaith
- Chama Radio
- Change Begins With Me – Indivisible
- Chapel Hill Organization for Clean Energy
- Chase Systems
- Chesapeake Climate Action Network
- Christians for the Mountains
- Church Women United in New York State
- Church World Service
- Citizen Action of Wisconsin
- Citizen’s Alliance for a Sustainable Englewood
- Citizens Action Coalition of Indiana
- Citizens Coalition for a Safe Community
- Citizens for Clean Air & Water in Brazoria County
- Citizens United for Renewable Energy
- Citizens’ Climate Lobby Santa Cruz
- Citizens’ Resistance at Fermi Two
- Clean Air Council
- Clean Cape Fear
- Clean Energy Action
- Clean Energy Now Texas
- Clean Up the River Environment Minnesota
- Clean Water for North Carolina
- CleanAirNow
- CLEO Institute
- Climate + Community Project
- Climate Action Campaign of Humboldt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
- Climate Action Now Western Massachusetts
- Climate Action Rhode Island
- Climate Advocates Voces Unidas
- Climate Crisis Policy
- Climate Defense Project
- Climate Equity Policy Center
- Climate Families New York City
- Climate First: Replacing Oil & Gas
- Climate Generation
- Climate Hawks Vote
- Climate Justice Alliance
- Climate Justice for Africa
- Climate Mobilization Montgomery County
- Climate Reality Project Knoxville
- Climate Reality Project Orange County North Carolina
- Climate Reality Project Portland
- Climate Reality Project Susquehanna Valley
- Clinton Against Fracking
- Closing the Water Gap
- Coalition Against Pipelines
- Coalition Against the Rockaway Pipeline
- Coalition for a Nuclear Free Great Lakes
- Coalition on the Environment & Jewish Life
- Coalition to Protect New York
- CODEPINK Golden Gate
- CODEPINK San Francisco Bay Area
- College Climate Coalition
- Colorado Businesses for a Livable Climate
- Colorado Coalition for a Livable Climate
- Colorado Democratic Party Energy & Environmental Initiative
- Common Ground Rising
- Communication Workers of America Local 9415
- Communities for Safe & Sustainable Energy
- Community Enabler Developer
- Community Energy reSource
- Community for Sustainable Energy
- Compressor Free Franklin
- Conceivable Future
- Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety
- Concerned Health Professionals of New York
- Concerned Health Professionals of Pennsylvania
- Conejo Climate Coalition
- Connecticut Citizen Action Group
- Connecticut Climate Crisis Mobilization
- Connecticut Coalition for Economic & Environmental Justice
- Connecticut League of Conservation Voters
- Conservation Congress
- Converging Storms Action Network
- Cooperative Energy Futures
- Corporate Accountability
- Corvallis Climate Action Alliance
- Corvallis Interfaith Climate Justice Committee
- Dan Riverkeeper
- Dayenu: A Jewish Call for Climate Action
- Deep Green Resistance New York
- Democratic National Committee California Delegates
- Denver Justice & Peace Committee
- Detroit Action
- District of Columbia Statehood Green Party
- Divest Ed
- Don’t Gas the Meadowlands Coalition
- Don’t Waste Arizona
- Don’t Waste Michigan
- Drawdown New York City
- Earth Ethics
- Earth Guardians
- Earth Guardians Bay Area
- Earth Justice Ministries
- Earth Ministry – Washington Interfaith Power & Light
- EarthAction
- Earthkeeper Health Resources
- EarthRights International
- Earthworks
- Eco-Logic Radio
- EcoEquity
- EcoFaith Recovery
- Ecology Center of California
- Ecology Center of Michigan
- Edmonds Unitarian Universalist Congregation
- Education, Economics, Environmental, Climate & Health Organization
- Eight Rivers Council
- Elders Climate Action
- Elected Officials to Protect America
- Electrify Corvallis
- Electrify Now
- Empower Our Future
- Endangered Species Coalition
- Energy Smart Colorado
- Environeers
- Environmental Integrity Project
- Environmental Justice Action Hub
- Environmental Protection Information Center
- Extinction Rebellion Delaware
- Extinction Rebellion Philadelphia
- Extinction Rebellion San Francisco Bay Area
- Extinction Rebellion US
- Extinction Rebellion Youth US
- Feed Durham North Carolina
- First Church Unitarian Littleton
- First Unitarian Church Portland Community for Earth
- First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Antonio
- First Wednesdays San Leandro
- Flight Free USA
- Flint Rising
- Food & Water Watch
- Food Empowerment Project
- For All
- For Love of Water
- For the Many
- Forest Keeper
- Fort Collins Trash Mob
- Fossil Free California
- Foundation Earth
- Foundation for Integrative AIDS Research
- Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice
- Frack-Free Frostburg
- FrackBusters New York
- FreshWater Accountability Project
- Fridays for Future U.S.
- Friends of Big Ivy
- Friends of Buckingham
- Friends of the Bitterroot
- Friends of the Earth U.S.
- Gas Free Seneca
- Genesis Farm
- George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication
- Giniw Collective
- Global Exchange
- Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
- Global Witness
- Good Neighbor Steering Committee of Benicia
- Grassroots Environmental Education
- Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
- Great Plains Action Society
- Greater Birmingham Alliance to Stop Pollution
- Greater Grand Rapids NAACP
- Greater New Orleans Housing Alliance
- Green America
- Green Education & Legal Fund
- Green House Collaboration Center
- Green Neighbor Challenge
- Green New Deal Network
- Green New Deal Virginia
- Green Party of Duval County
- Green Party of Michigan
- Green Party of Nassau County
- Green Party of the United States EcoAction Committee
- Green State Solutions
- Green Workers Alliance
- Greenbelt Climate Action Network
- GreenFaith
- Greening Greenfield
- GreenLatinos
- Greenpeace USA
- Greenvest
- GRID Alternatives
- Haw River Assembly
- HealthLink
- Healthy Gulf
- Heirs To Our Oceans
- Hilton Head for Peace
- Hispanic Access Foundation
- Hometown Action
- Honor the Earth
- Howling for Wolves
- Hudson River Sloop Clearwater
- Human Nature
- I Heart Pisgah
- Ikiya Collective
- Immaculate Heart Community Commission on Justice for Immigrants & Refugees
- In the Shadow of the Wolf
- Indian Creek Watershed Association
- Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition
- Indigenous Environmental Network
- Indivisible
- Indivisible Ambassadors
- Indivisible Howard County
- Indivisible San Francisco
- Information Network for Responsible Mining
- inNative
- Inspiration of Sedona
- Institute for Local Self-Reliance
- Institute for Policy Studies Climate Policy Program
- Interfaith Council for Peace & Justice
- Interfaith EarthKeepers
- Interfaith Power & Light
- International Marine Mammal Project of Earth Island Institute
- Interstate 70 Citizens Advisory Group
- Iowa Buffalo Rebellion Coalition
- Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement
- Ironbound Community Corporation
- Islamic Society of North America
- Jackpine Savage Guide Service
- Jewish Climate Action Network of Massachusetts
- Jewish Floridians for Climate Solutions
- Jewish Youth Climate Movement
- John Muir Project of Earth Island Institute
- Justice Is Global
- Kentucky Heartwood
- Kentucky Interfaith Power & Light
- Knoxville Democratic Socialists of America
- Lady Freethinker
- Langley Park Civic Association
- Larimer Alliance for Health, Safety & Environment
- Lebanon Pipeline Awareness
- Legacy Realty Ventures
- Lehigh-Pocono Committee of Concern Peace Center
- Littleton Business Alliance
- Local Clean Energy Alliance
- Locust Point Community Garden
- Long Beach Alliance for Clean Energy
- Long Island Progressive Coalition
- Los Padres ForestWatch
- Loudoun Climate Project
- Louisiana Bucket Brigade
- Lower Cape Indivisible
- Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
- Maryknoll Sisters Eastern Region
- Maryland Legislative Coalition
- Massachusetts Climate Action Network
- Mayfair Park Neighborhood Association
- Mazaska Talks
- Mental Health & Inclusion Ministries
- Methane Action
- Metro New York Catholic Climate Movement
- Metuchen-Edison-Piscataway NAACP Environmental Justice Committee
- Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition
- Michigan Interfaith Power & Light
- Michigan League of Conservation Voters
- Michigan NAACP
- Mid-Ohio Valley Climate Action
- Midwest Building Decarbonization Coalition
- Milwaukee Riverkeeper
- Minnesota Environmental Partnership
- Missing Murdered Indigenous Women Coalition of North Carolina
- Mission Blue
- Mon Valley Clean Air Coalition
- Monacan Indian Nation
- Montbello Neighborhood Improvement Association
- Morningside Gardens Green Committee for Environmental Sustainability
- Mothers Out Front
- Mothers Out Front Roanoke
- Mountain Association
- Mountain Watershed Association
- Movement Rights
- Movement Training Network
- MoveOn
- MoveOn.org Hoboken
- Namati U.S. Environmental Justice Program
- Nassau Hiking & Outdoor Club
- National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd
- Native Movement
- Native Plant Society of the United States
- Natural Capitalism Solutions
- NDN Collective
- Neighbor to Neighbor
- Network Northern Virginia
- New Energy Economy
- New Jersey NAACP Health, Education, Energy & Pollution Committee
- New Mexico Climate Justice
- New Mexico Environmental Law Center
- New York City Grassroots Alliance
- New York Climate Action Group
- New York Communities for Change
- New York Congressional District 16 Indivisible
- New York Council for Housing Development Fund Companies
- New York for Whales
- New York Lawyers for the Public Interest
- New York Progressive Action Network Environmental Committee
- New York Water Action
- Nicaragua Center for Community Action
- No Fracked Gas in Mass
- North American Climate, Conservation & Environment
- North American Water Office
- North Bronx Racial Justice
- North Carolina Alliance to Protect Our People & the Places We Live
- North Carolina Climate Justice Collective
- North Range Concerned Citizens
- Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont
- Northern Michigan Environmental Action Council
- Nuclear Energy Information Service
- Nuclear Hotseat Podcast
- Nuclear Information & Resource Service
- Nurture The Children
- NYC Safe Energy Campaign
- Oasis Earth
- Oberlin College Climate Education Advocacy & Lobbying
- Occupy Bergen County
- Occupy Biden
- Ocean Conservation Research
- Ocean Defense Initiative
- Oceanic Preservation Society
- Oil & Gas Action Network
- Oil Change International
- Operation HomeCare
- Orange Residents Against Pilgrim Pipelines
- Oregon Conservancy Foundation
- Organized Uplifting Strategies & Resources
- Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd U.S. Provinces Congregation
- Our Place in the World: A Journal of Ecosocialism
- Our Revolution
- Our Revolution Hawaii
- Our Revolution Lake County
- Our Revolution Michigan
- Oxfam America
- Pacific Environment
- Paperhand
- Parallax Perspectives
- Partnership for Policy Integrity
- Pass the Federal Green New Deal Coalition
- Pax Christi USA
- Peace & Justice Action League of Spokane
- Peace Action Wisconsin
- Peace, Justice, Sustainability NOW!
- Peacehome Campaigns
- Peacemakers of Schoharie County
- Peninsula Interfaith Climate Action
- Pennsylvania Council of Churches
- Pennsylvania Jewish Earth Alliance
- Pennsylvania Stands Up
- People of Albany United for Safe Energy
- People Power Solar Cooperative
- People vs Fossil Fuels Coalition Steering Committee
- People’s Action
- Peoples Climate Movement New York
- Physicians for Social Responsibility
- Physicians for Social Responsibility Arizona
- Physicians for Social Responsibility Los Angeles
- Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania
- Pipe Organs / Golden Ponds Farm
- Plastic Free Future
- Plastic Pollution Coalition
- Polluters Out
- Pollution Free Society
- Port Arthur Community Action Network
- Post Landfill Action Network
- Power Shift Network
- PowerSwitch Action
- Presente.org
- Preserve Bent Mountain
- Preserve Giles County
- Preserve Monroe
- Preserve Montgomery County Virginia
- Preserve Salem
- Prince George’s County Peace & Justice Coalition
- Progressive Cheverly
- Progressive Democrats of America
- Project CoffeeHouse
- Project Green Home
- Property Rights & Pipeline Center
- Prosperity For Rhode Island
- Protect All Children’s Environment
- Protect Our Water, Heritage, Rights
- Public Citizen
- Public Justice Center
- Public Lands Project
- Pueblo Action Alliance
- Putnam Progressives
- Quittapahilla Watershed Association
- Rainforest Action Network
- RapidShift Network
- Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association
- RedTailed Hawk Collective
- Resist the Pipeline
- Resource Renewal Institute
- Responsible Decarbonzation Alliance
- ReThink Energy Florida
- Right to the City Alliance
- Rise & Resist
- RISE St. James
- River Valley Organizing
- Rogue Climate
- Romero Institute
- RootsAction
- Rural Power Coalition
- Safe Energy Rights Group
- San Antonio Bay Estuarine Waterkeeper
- San Bernardino Valley Audubon Society
- San Francisco Bay Physicians for Social Responsibility
- San Luis Valley Ecosystem Council
- SanDiego350
- Sane Energy Project
- Santa Barbara Standing Rock Coalition
- Santa Barbara Urban Creeks Council
- Santa Cruz Climate Action Network
- Santa Fe Forest Coalition
- Sarvey Environmental Services
- Save Lake Superior Association
- Save Our Illinois Land
- Save Our Shores
- Save Our Sky Blue Waters
- Save The Colorado
- Save the Environmental Protection Agency
- Save the Pine Bush
- Saving Our Sons & Sisters International
- Saxapahaw Prison Books Program
- Schools for Climate Action
- Science and Environmental Health Network
- Seeding Sovereignty
- Seneca Lake Guardian
- Sequoia ForestKeeper
- Seventeen Rivers North Carolina American Indian Movement
- Seventh Generation
- Shaleshock Central New York
- Shareable
- Sheffield Saves
- Sierra Club
- Sisters of Charity Federation
- Sisters of Charity of New York
- Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill
- Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Justice Team
- Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
- Small Business Alliance
- Snake River Alliance
- SoCal 350 Climate Action
- Social Eco Education
- Soda Mountain Wilderness Council
- Solar Bear & Native Sun
- Solidarity INFO Service
- Solstice Initiative
- Soulardarity
- South Asian Fund for Education, Scholarship, & Training
- South Orange Maplewood Action
- South Seattle Climate Action Network
- South Shore Audubon Society
- Southeast Climate & Energy Network
- Southwest Detroit Community Benefits Coalition
- Southwest Organization for Sustainability
- SouthWings
- Sovereign Iñupiat for a Living Arctic
- Spirit of the Sun
- St. Andrews Austin Texas Earth Care Committee
- Stand.earth
- Start:Empowerment
- Stop SPOT & Gulflink
- Stop the Algonquin Pipeline Expansion
- Stop The Oil Profiteering
- Sullivan Alliance for Sustainable Development
- SUN DAY Campaign
- Sunflower Alliance
- Sunrise Bay Area
- Sunrise Bay Area 35+
- Sunrise Knoxville
- Sunrise Movement
- Sunrise Movement Annapolis
- Sunrise Movement Kansas City
- Sunrise Movement Lawrence Kansas
- Sunrise NYC
- Sunrise Westchester
- Surfrider Foundation
- Sussex County Progressives
- Swan View Coalition
- Syracuse Cultural Workers
- Syracuse Peace Council
- System Change Not Climate Change
- TakeAction Minnesota
- Taproot Earth
- Terra Advocati
- Texas Campaign for the Environment
- Texas Climate Emergency
- The Black Hive at Movement for Black Lives
- The Climate Center
- The Climate Mobilization
- The Consoria
- The Enviro Show
- The Greenlining Institute
- The Last Plastic Straw
- The Original United Citizens of Southwest 48217
- The People’s Justice Council
- The Phoenix Group
- The Quantum Institute
- The Revolving Door Project
- The Rewilding Institute
- The Shalom Center
- The Story of Stuff Project
- The Sunrise Project
- The Wei
- The Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club
- The Wooden Spoon
- The YEARS Project
- Third Act
- Third Act New York City
- Third Act Virginia
- Thomas Berry Forum for Ecological Dialogue
- Three Rivers Waterkeeper
- Tidelines Institute
- TinkerTree Play/Care
- Touching Earth Sangha
- Toxic Free North Carolina
- Tri-Valley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment
- Triple Justice Organization
- Turtle Haven Sanctuary
- Turtle Island Restoration Network
- Umpqua Watersheds
- Unitarian Universalist Association
- Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Corvallis Climate Action Team
- Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Corvallis Indigenous Connections Team
- Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Hidalgo County Texas
- Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice
- Unite North Metro Denver
- United For Clean Energy
- United Native Americans
- United Sludge Free Alliance
- United Women of Faith
- Upstream
- UpstreamPgh
- Valley Improvement Projects
- Valley Watch
- Vermont Yankee Decommissioning Alliance
- Veterans for Climate Justice
- Veterans for Peace
- Veterans for Peace Climate Crisis & Militarism Project
- Virginia Citizens Consumer Council
- Vote Climate
- Vote Solar
- Wall of Women
- Wasatch Clean Air Coalition
- Waste Not
- Water & Air Team Charlevoix
- Water Collaborative of Greater New Orleans
- Water You Fighting For?
- Waterkeeper Alliance
- Waterkeepers Chesapeake
- Waterspirit
- Waterway Advocates
- WE ACT for Environmental Justice
- We Own It
- We Want Green Too
- West End Revitalization Association
- Westchester Peace Action Committee Foundation
- Western Slope Businesses for a Livable Climate
- Western Watersheds Project
- Wild Heritage Planners
- Win Without War
- Wisconsin Resources Protection Council
- Women’s Earth & Climate Action Network
- Women’s Environment & Development Organization
- Womxn from the Mountain
- Working for Racial Equity
- Zero Hour
- Zero Waste Hawai’i Island
- Zero Waste Ithaca
- 198 methods
- 350 Bay Area
- 350 Bay Area Action
- 350 Brooklyn
- 350 Butte County
- 350 Central Massachusetts
- 350 Chicago
- 350 Colorado
- 350 Conejo / San Fernando Valley
- 350 Connecticut
- 350 Eugene
- 350 Fairfax
- 350 Hawaii
- 350 Humboldt
- 350 Juneau
- 350 Massachusetts Berkshires
- 350 Merced
- 350 New Hampshire
- 350 New York City
- 350 PDX
- 350 Sacramento
- 350 San Francisco
- 350 Santa Barbara
- 350 Seattle
- 350 Silicon Valley
- 350 Tacoma
- 350 Triangle
- 350 Ventura County Climate Hub
- 350.org
- 7 Directions of Service
- 9to5 Colorado